Legal notice

Website presentation

In conformity with articles 6-III and 19 of Lay 2004-575 of 21 June for Confidence in Digital Commerce, otherwise known as the LCEN, we inform users of the website (herafter referred to as “WEBSITE”) of the following conditions:


Company: Arcadia International
Address: Clos de l’Epinette 12 C B-7712 Herseaux – Belgium 
Phone: +32 (0)56 91 23 92 

Responsible for publication: Daniel Traon
The responsible for the publication is a physical person.
Contact the person responsible for the publication (contact us)

Design and hosting

11 rue Jouffroy d’Abbans 69009 Lyon

Website hosting by Bazalt.

Photo credits

Arcadia International – Bazalt – Unsplash

General conditions of the website and its services

Use of the WEBSITE implies full acceptance of the general conditions listed below. These conditions can be modified or completed at any time and without notice; users are invited to consult the site regularly.

The WEBSITE is in principal available to users 24/24h, 7/7d, excepting interruptions, whether or not scheduled, for reasons of maintenace or in cases of ‘force majeure’. In the event of not being able to access the site, the WEBSITE undertakes to do everything possible to re-establish access and to inform users of the date and times of any maintenance shutdowns. The WEBSiTE is underno obligation, and hence can not be held responsible for any negative externalities, whatever their nature, due to an interruption of access.

The WEBSITE is regularly updated by its owner. In the same qay, the legal agreement can be changed at any time without warning, and without any obligations to users. The user is considered to accept the conditions without reserve and should check the site regularly to be aware of any modifications.

The WEBSITE reserves the right to cede or transfer, without warning, the rights and obligations of the present General Conditions and legal references. By continuing to use the services provided by the WEBSITE, the user recognizes the acceptation of any modifications of the General Conditions that may occur.

Description of services provided

The purpose of the WEBSITE is to provide information concerning all the activities of the company.

The site’s owner undertakes to provide the most detailes information possible. However, he cannot be held responsible for any omissions, inexactitudes or gaps in the updated version, wheter they be due to his own actions or those of other parties providing information.

All the information included on the WEBSITE is given as an indication, and is not exhaustive, and can change over time. Is is provided with the proviso that information may have changed since its publication on the WEBSITE.

Limited Responsability

The WEBSITE uses JavaScript technology.

The WEBSITE can not be held responsible for typing errors or inexactitudes or any damage due to using its services. The user is reponsible for his own equipment and its use and will carry any costs directly or indirectly related to his connection by internet.

The WEBSITE user is responsible for accessing the site with modern material without viruses and with an up-to-date internet navigator.

The user will not hold the WEBSITE responsible for any direct or indirect damage due to using its proposed services. Only the user’s responsibility is engaged by using any services provided by the site which will not be held responsible viz a viz a third party.

Interactive elements of the site (the possibility of asking questions in the contat space) are freely available for users. The WEBSITE has the right to remove, without warning, any information contained within this space that contravenes existing French legislation, in particular, those related to the protection of data.  Should this occur, the oxner reserves the right to hold the sender civilly or legally responsible, especially in the case of racist, injurious, slanerous or pornographic messages, whatever the support used (text, photographs etc.).

Users are reminded that the WEBSITE keep track of users’ e-mail addresses and IP numbers. As a consequence, users should be aware that in the case of abuse, they can be found and pursued by the judicial system.

Intellectual property rights and counterfeiting

The owner of the WEBSITE owns the intellectual property rights and holds user’s rights on all elements accessible on the site, notably texts, images, graphs, logos, icons, sounds, software etc.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication or total or partial adaptation of elements in the site, however done, is forbidden, unless s^pecific written approval has been received via the contact formula.

any non-authorized use of the site or any of its elements included within it, will be considered as constituting counteerfeiting and will be pursued according to articles L-334-2 onwards of the Intellectual Property Rights code.

Hypertext links

The WEBSITE contains a number of links to other sites (partners, information etc.); these have been put into place with the approval of the site owner. However, the owner of the site is not able to verify the content of the linked sites and therfore declines all responsibility of links directing the user to sites containing illegal material.


The user is hereby informed that when visiting the site, cookies may be installed automatically on his computer.

A cookie is a file that is downloaded onto the user’s computer when he visits certain sites. Cookies allow the visited site to store and recover information concerning the navigation behavior of the user and his equipment and, depending on this information, to recognize him.

However, the material obtained is limited. They concern only the number of pages visited, the town of the IP address from where the connection is made, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the lenght of visits, the navigator used, the operator, and the type of terminal used. Data such as the user’s name, first name, and postal address are not obained under any circumstances.

You may authorize, block or remove the cookies installed on your comuter via your comuter’s navigation parameters. For the most common navigators, you will find instuctions on how to do this here:

Finally, we would like to warn you that the desactivation of a cookie might make navigation our services difficult or impossible.

Applicable law and the attribution of jurisdiction

Any dispute related to the use of this WEBSITE will be judged under French law. the user as well as the WEBSITE accept the exclusive arbitration of a French tribunal in the case of a legal dispute.

the protection of goods and persons -the protection of private data

User: an Internet user connecting to the WEBSITE.

In France, private data are protected under Law 78-87 of 6 January 1978, law 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, article L. 226-13 of the penal code and the European directivie of 24 October 1995.

On the WEBSITE, the owner does not gather private information of the user except for the use of certain services offered by the WEBSITE. The user provides this information with his full knowledge, particularly in that it is he who provides the information. The user is informed of the obligation or not to provide information.

In conformity with the disposition of articles 38 and following of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relative to comuter technology, to files and personal liberty, all users have the right of access, of modification, of suppression and opposition of any personal data that concern him. To exercise this right, contact the WEBSITE owner with a written and signed request, accopanied by a copy of a piece of identity with a signature, indication the address to which a reply should be sent.

No personal information of a user is published, exchanged, transferred, ceded or sold to a third party in any form whatsoever without the user being aware. Only the sale of the WEBSITE and its rights would permit the transfer of this information, but the potential purchaser would, in turn, be required to observe the same rules of conservation and modification of personal data.

The database is protected by the law of 1 July 1998 which transposes the directive 96/9 of 11 march 1996 relating to the judicial protection of data bases.