InnOBreed is a collaborative research project funded under Horizon Europe, with the aim to foster organic crop breeding and improve the performance of the fruit sector, by enhancing Innovative Organic fruit Breeding and uses.

The project is a joint initiative by 21 organisations, including universities, research institutes, technological centres, breeders and producers associations, from 10 different EU Member States. Through nine workpackages and during a period of four years (2022-2026), InnOBreed will evaluate, implement and aggregate Innovative Solutions (IS) to promote the organic fruit industry by the development and deployment of suitable cultivars.

The vulnerability of the organic fruit production along with a rising market demand for organic products lead to a continuous pursuit of measures to ensure the quality and sustainability of the production. While the market demand for organic fruits is expanding, the current commercial cultivars, previously selected in a high input paradigm are, for most of them, not adapted to low or no-input farming systems, leading to a gap between production and demand.

In addition, the European Green Deal objectives and the “Farm to Fork” set the target of at least 25% of EU’s agricultural land under organic farming by 2030, which implies a significant increase compared to today. In this context, the activities of the InnOBreed project are particularly important.

To learn more about the project, read our project summary.